Exames De Audiometria Em Londrina

St. Joseph's College - Olá e bem-vindo. Neste vídeo, vamos mostrar-lhe como converter seu PowerPoint em um vídeo usando apenas PowerPoint. Nenhum outro software necessário. Há muitas razões por que você iria querer, incluindo a criação de conteúdo para as pessoas a rever após a apresentação e uma maneira fácil de fazer um vídeo slideshow de fotos sem software de edição extra. Continue assistindo e vamos mostrar-lhe como ele é feito. Então, eu tenho a minha PowerPoint aqui que contém alguns slides com texto que tem animações e alguns slides depois que contêm fotos como uma apresentação de slides. Eu quero transformar isso em um vídeo que eu posso dar aos meus delegados depois da minha apresentação. Eu quero que eles sejam capazes de rever o vídeo sem a necessidade de software PowerPoint que mostra transições e talvez tem uma voz-over. Agora, existem algumas maneiras de fazer isso. Eu vou mostrar para você em primeiro lugar como fazer isso como uma maneira rápida e fácil e, em seguida, em cerca de 2 minutos e 30, ver como podemos realmente gravar a apresentação como estamos revendo-lo com a opção adicional de ser capaz de dar-lhe uma voz. OK, então a maneira rápida e fácil. Isto irá transformar nossa plataforma de apresentação em um vídeo simples. Suba até o topo e clique em "Arquivo". Clique em "salvar como" e, em seguida, escolher um local. Vou deixar isso de volta para o desktop. Na caixa "Salvar como tipo", clique no menu suspenso e em seguida, escolha "vídeo MPEG-4" ou "Windows Media Video" I am going to select "mpeg-4" Then click on "save" my PowerPoint will now be converted to video and saved on the desktop. This could take a bit of time depending on the size and content of your PowerPoint. You will see the progress bar down here. Let us fast forward until it is done. OK, so here it is. Let us open it and have a look. This is OK. This slides animations are maybe a bit quick, but for what I want it for, it is acceptable. There you have it, a quick and easy way to convert a PowerPoint to a video. Now, let us have a look at a method where we can record the video and set the timings where everything appears, and have the option of a voice-over. OK. Go up to the top and click on "slide show". And then click on "record slide show" And pressing this button will start the recording. As I have chosen to record narrations, I'll describe what's going on here so we can hear it on playback. OK, so here is my presentation, you can see my mouse movements but they are not being recorded. Clicking will advance me through my presentation. Down here, you will see the time spent on this slide and the total presentation time so far. Now I am going to click through the bullet points quickly and finish this off. Once you have come to the end of the recording, it will appear that nothing has happened. But what you have done is record the timings in the background. Now let us export the video with our timings and narration. Go up to the top left and click on "file" And then down to "export". Go across and click on "create a video" There is a couple of options here, one is the quality which will affect the exported file size. I am going to keep it on "high quality". Under that, we have the option to use the timings we have just recorded or not. and under that we can preview what we've already recorded or record it again. I am happy with what we have done, and the timings so I am going to click on "Create Video". I am going to save this video on the desktop next to the original presentation and video we saved earlier. This could take a bit of time depending on the size and content of your PowerPoint. You will see the progress bar down here. Let us fast forward until it is done. OK, let us open our new video and have a look. OK that is great, I've now got a video with custom timing and a narration. For teaching and learning, this could be great to give to my students after the classroom session for reflection. Have a go at making your own video, either with or without custom timings or narration and see how it works best for you. Also, let us know how you got on in the comments below and if you have found a better way to do it. Well, we have come to the end of this video. I really hope this has helped, if it has please give us a thumbs up and let us know in the comments. If you are still a bit stuck, leave a comment below and we will see if we can help out. Please also hit the subscribe button to bookmark us so you can come back and be the first to hear about the next “Top Tech Tip”. Bye Bye..

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Patrick Holloway, Washington: College of New Rochelle (School of New Resources). Três Lagoas: Tisch School of Arts; 2014.

Brandon Buckley, Jefferson. Macaé: State University of New York Upstate Medical University; 2013.

Heather Williams, St Nicholas Avenue zip 10040. Sabará: College of St. Rose; 2017.

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